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Digital Design Passive Income

Part Time Passive Income Selling Digital Files - 2019 revenue

by Tanya McCarthy 10 Jan 2020

Passive Income is a great outlet for people looking to make some extra money. As a single mother of three very crazy children, I don't have a TON of time. However, I enjoy designing and find it as more of a hobby than "work"

I posted about my earnings in 2018 in a previous post and wanted to update everyone on how 2019 went for me. 

Read More: 2018 The Beginning of my Journey

Keep in mind, I am a single mother of children aged 4 years, 3 years and 16 months at the time of writing this blog post. I work full time as a Fire Protection Engineer at a Nuclear Facility (basically make sure the place doesn't catch on fire) and have a one hour commute to a from work every day. 

I don't get child support from their father so I needed something to supplement my income. To put it into perspective, I paid a little over $20K in daycare costs in 2019, that's no JOKE! 

I really started getting serious about sales in April/May when I applied, and finally got approved, to sell on Design Bundles. I then launched my website in August of 2019 and the growth between all of my avenues has been great. 

As you can see in 2018 between August and December this is what I brought in

Here is what I did in the year of 2019 in the same period

And here is what I did overall in 2019

I'm certainly not showing this to brag or anything like that, I want to show YOU that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I know there are people out there that make WAY better quality designs. Every day I am learning something new and teaching someone how to do better because that makes ME feel good. 

Keep in mind I ONLY put in MAYBE 10 hours a week, if that. Interesting fact in 2019 I did little to no work in September to December because of a video game release and holidays. I sold the most product then. 

My DB shop brought in $1200 and my website brought in around $400. I couldn't be happier about where I am going by setting little goals and managing my time. 

Read More: Effective Time Management 

While the new year is starting I have already exceeded my 2019 January revenue made last year in January and am projecting to have an increase over all of about 50% in 2020 if not more. 

Read More: Goal Setting for your Business

I know people who do this full time an absolutely CRUSH it in sales making what I did in the ENTIRE year of 2019 in one month. 

My goals for 2020 is to consistently have $500 or more months with the same amount of time put into the business. If you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know. 

Be sure to follow my FB group for updates on tips and tricks to grow your business and stay positive. 


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